

i’ll leave it up to you to decide

6 Responses to “About”

  1. kly said

    Hmm interesting that you’ve now switched to wordpress? Haha. The benefits of wordpress / livejournal over blogger is really very tempting aren’t they.

    Enjoy your new blog and l33t functions.

  2. thisrachel said

    what functions?

  3. eightron said

    Almost two months later… “Hi, I’ve just found your blog!”

    Take care and Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!

    – kly’s bro

  4. Yi Ying said

    I love you bestie ❤

  5. kirby said

    hey. we do not know each other but i cant agree more with your post =)

  6. N2Oaddict said

    Little girl. You have no idea what powers you are invoking by writing so. Break your shackles dear.

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